RYA Day Skipper eLearning Theory

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RYA - Day Skipper eLearning Theory Course:  Covering all that you need to know for safe cruising.

Course details

Pre-Course Experience

Some practical experience is desirable although not essential.

Assumed Knowledge


Student Instructor Ratio

You will be assigned a dedicated RYA Yachtmaster Instructor to answer your questions.


Study time required about 50 hours, plus two exams

Course Content


Coastal navigation and pilotage


Electronic charts

Position fixing

Plotting a course to steer

Weather forecasting and meteorology


Collision regulations

Ability after Course

This course equips you with enough knowledge to understand how to navigate around familiar waters by day. A basic knowledge of lights is also included to introduce you to night cruising. Successfully gaining your certificate will enable you to confidently progress with your Day Skipper practical course.

Syllabus RYA Day Skipper eLearning Course: A comprehensive introduction to chart work, navigation, meteorology and the basics of seamanship for Competent Crew. You will find this course invaluable if you want to learn to start making decisions onboard. 

Our RYA Shorebased training centre partner Swiss Maritime Academy is based in Switzerland and acts as an agent.  The eLearning courses are conducted by the RYA Training Center Splash Seaschool. Your details are forwarded to Splash Seaschool for further booking formalities.

Aufbauende Kurse
RYA Day Skipper
RYA Day Skipper Kurs

RYA Day Skipper Course

RYA Day Skipper is a demanding course for aspiring skippers with some yachting experience and basic navigation and sailing skills.

This is a hands-on course that is highly recommended for anyone who regularly sails on board a yacht. It’s designed to improve skills and build knowledge of all aspects of life at sea whilst skippering a sailing yacht during short passages.

RYA Coastal Skipper
RYA Coastal Kurs

RYA Coastal Course

Advanced skippering techniques for yachtsmen and women with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation, wanting to undertake coastal passages by day and night.

RYA Coastal Skipper is the ideal qualification to follow RYA Day Skipper. It may also form a bridge to a MCA/RYA Yachtmaster™ examination. It’s designed to give an experienced skipper the confidence to undertake longer and more complex passages which may involve sailing at night or involve watch-keeping systems.